Dialogue with trees

One of the more enlivening ways for me to move with the trees is to simply run through the woods, meeting obstacles as challenges to dance with rather than fight (although fights do break out πŸ˜†). The Move With The Trees workshop I try to run monthly now, focuses on the various ways I love to have dialogue with trees - movement co-created between body and environment and it’s a conversation I love to share with others.

From the evolutionary and bio-mechanical story of the five forms of arboreal locomotion and how these patterns helped shape us from tree-dwelling mammals to the primates that ventured and stayed on the ground, to the various lenses of tree-climbing, tree-running and tree-dancing, to capacity-building qualities focussed intention and training can bring and the bits of tree-lore and knowledge I’ve managed to collect over the years.

So whether climbing, dancing, running or simply meeting some of the most amazing trees I’ve come across, I hope to share these experiences with you 🌳🌳🌳

The next Move With The Trees workshop is on 20th August. Just 10 spots are available 🌳🌳🌳
